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Offering insights, expert tips and proven brand management strategies from experience we have gathered providing solutions for clients over the years.

Time for that long-needed brand audit

Time for that long-needed brand audit
The Covid-19 pandemic and the fear along with it, has impacted many business activities across the world today. However, brands can use this 'down-time' also to advantage. This may actually be the best time for brands to review their activities and strategies over the last year, refine their approach and get set to launch better and st...
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6837 Hits

Tips on maintaining your brand visibility during a lock down

Tips on maintaining your brand visibility during a lock down
As the novel coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) continues to spread, many countries around the world are putting their citizens on lock down, from mandatory quarantines to stay at home and closures of certain types of businesses or bans on events and gatherings.The Federal Government today announced a full lock down on Lagos, Abuja and Ogun state...
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Focus on brand management

I often hear people say that what you think or say about yourself is what matters most in life and not what people think or say about you. Another closely linked saying is that if someone says something about you that you do not agree with, throw it away and move on. While on some level these things make sense, they are not absolute as there could ...
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Experiencing a creative block? Hit CTRL + K (BREAK)

Experiencing a creative block? Hit CTRL + K (BREAK)
One of the most frustrating moments in the life of a creative professional (other than having to waiting hours for a file to render) is having a creative block. I describe this as the inability to access one's internal juice box. Trust me when I say all creative professionals encounter these moments - whether you a writer, musician, pe...
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7543 Hits

Your 2019 communication strategy: A few things to keep in mind

Your 2019 communication strategy: A few things to keep in mind
Whether you had cause to pat yourself on the back for a job well done or swallow bitter pills of defeat as the case may be for your performances in 2018, you have a new year ahead of you to do something new. If you run a business or manage communication of a sort for a client or an organisation, you may be thinking about what you need to keep in mi...
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9186 Hits

Pictures: Worth a thousand words ...and worth investing in too! (2)

Pictures: Worth a thousand words ...and worth investing in too! (2)
Last week I began this article by explaining why quality pictures should be a must-have for brands who are interested in putting out great visual representations of who they are or the message they want to communicate. In this part of the article, we will be taking a quick look at some of the ways we can get quality images. Many of us may already b...
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10121 Hits

Pictures: Worth a thousand words ...and worth investing in too! (1)

Pictures: Worth a thousand words ...and worth investing in too! (1)
It is key that a business/brand understands the value of good imagery for theirbrand communication ​- Onuora Good pictures have always been very good for you. But in the internet-driven world, this is amplified. From Instagram posts to screensavers and profile pictures, you can make a hit with the right images. Why? ...
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10489 Hits

7 benefits of a strong brand name

7 benefits of a strong brand name

And no. It is not about how fanciful the name is.

1.Strong brand names simplify the decision process and reduce risk.
2.Brand names are used to maintain higher awareness of products.
3.Company's use brand names to gain leverage when introducing new products.
4.The brand name is often interpreted as an indicator of quality.

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12006 Hits

Time to revisit your new media strategy

So, you know how a lot of times we hear how people miss out on opportunities to gain some awesome benefit and you think, "but how could that be?". Well, I was at one of such places recently and trust me, all those who the event was targeted at and who weren't there, missed out.

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10830 Hits

Brand building tips for small businesses (1): Market strategy

For small businesses in Nigerian and pretty much everywhere else, being able to successfully differentiate yourself in the mind of your market can be the difference between life and death, literally.

The two key disciplines that executives (of both small and large businesses) constantly need to execute to achieve this are brand building and brand management. Many a-times, successfully applying the principles of these disciplines have been responsible for taking a brand from small to great.

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12311 Hits

Want your brand to be hot? Be cool

"Today, business value and competitive advantage arise more often from consumer perceptions of what is "cool" than from physical assets or economies of scale." - Copenhagen Business School.

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13018 Hits

Building your brand (1): The power of narratives

“Branding is the ability to constantly create a perception in the minds of your audience/market that there is no product/service like yours that meet their needs and wants by providing distinct value”
― Bernard Kelvin Clive

Your product/service has to stand for something in the hearts of your customers. Take that away and it is lost in the sea of competition. Adrift, rudderless...hopelessly lost in the midst of thousands of other hopelessly lost brands.

Customers traditionally do not spend nearly as much time and effort searching for brand as brands do searching for them. In today's world, the competition is tougher as many brands have honed this art, easing the task of the customer and leaving brands who leave finding new business to chance, floundering.

The ability to craft powerful narratives around your brand's areas of strength and channel it with precision to your various target audiences consistently can both ensure you capture the needed territory in their hearts and maintain long term hold on it which is essential for repeat patronage.

- MR's ‪#‎HeartofYourBusiness‬ 20/1/15

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12446 Hits

Never stop communicating!

“It’s not who you know that matters—it’s who knows you that’s important. ...branding builds up your reputation to the point where you have a presence even in your absence.”
― Jarod Kintz

Your 'brand' is more than your logo, name or call card. It is your core message, the value and promise to which you stay true to over time...the area in which you are ready to invest more and more in to stay ahead of your competition. It is the impact that you create through this service that leaves lasting impressions.

It is this core of your business that you can leveraged on for business growth by communicating what it is in memorable ways and how you are doing it.

And oh, never let up in communicating it...because 90% of your market will never stop being fickle. And even the 10% whose hearts you have seemingly captured forever, need constant reassurance from you.

Media Range's ‪#‎HeartOfYourBusiness‬ 22/01/1
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14158 Hits

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